Consultation Services

Dr. Boris Birmaher at the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Spectrum Disorders Clinic (CABS) offers a second-opinion consultation service which provides a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation for children and adolescents with severe mood problems. These include children and adolescents whose symptoms have been difficult to diagnose or to treat efficaciously.

Dr. Birmaher is highly regarded in the field for his expertise in the evaluation and treatment of children and adolescents with mood and anxiety disorders.

The evaluation consists of: 
• a review of existing medical/psychiatric records (prior to the appointment);
• separate interviews with the child/adolescent and parents with a senior clinician using a standardized diagnostic instrument (K-SADS), who then summarizes and presents the information to Dr. Birmaher;
• a meeting with Dr. Birmaher for further symptom clarification, discussion of diagnostic impressions and treatment recommendations;
• a written summary of the evaluation which is given to the family and will be shared with the child/adolescent’s treating clinician at the family’s request;

Dr. Birmaher is available for consultation with the family and with child/adolescent’s treating clinician after the evaluation to address any additional questions.

This extensive evaluation involves 4 to 6 hours with the family plus additional time for review of records and preparation of the written summary. The cost of this consultation is not reimbursed by insurance companies and thus, is a strictly out-of-pocket service.

For further information, please contact the Consultation Service Coordinator, Mary Kay Gill, MSN, at 1-877-526-2629 or via email